As a serious simulation, THIMUN expects personal appearance to be appropriate for a professional setting. Participants (this includes MUN-Directors and Chaperones) should not wear clothing, jewellery, or accessories which are distracting, inappropriate, or which may call attention to themselves – either individually or as a group.
Inappropriate dress includes, but is not limited to:
- Team accessories such as scarves, hats, non-THIMUN badges/buttons/pins
- Sports shoes & denim clothes
- National costume or military attire
Boys should be dressed in a formal suit, shirt, tie, or similar alternative i.e. blazer or jacket with formal trousers. Women should be dressed equally formally in suits, smart separates (whether trousers or skirts) or dresses. Low necklines and/or short skirts are not considered appropriate. The dress code also applies to MUN-Directors. The hot climate in Singapore is not an excuse for not following the dress code mentioned above.
Schools are expected to select their students. This is important not only for the good name of THIMUN but also for the good name of the school concerned.